Saturday, 23 July 2016

My first time driving

We pulled up in a next to empty parking lot besides a mosque near my home; it was about 10:30a.m  as I looked down at the clock. My father got out and walked around to my door and told me to get out, I looked at him kind of somewhat scared not knowing what to think. He opened my door slowly and told me to get out, then told me that he thought I'd like to drive. I looked at him oddly considering I was only fourteen at the time and said "sure”.

I got out and ran to the other side half excited and half scared. I was thinking and somewhat hoping that it wouldn't be that hard and that it would be something like one of my favorite games 'Grand Theft Auto'. I got in and pressed my foot on the brake, put the car in reverse and went flying backwards. I soon realized that screaming would not make the car stop.

My father calmly looked over at me and said, "Try the brakes”, of course knowing exactly what would happen he braced himself as the car came to a screeching halt. Finally backed out of the parking space he had put me in, I put the car in drive and we went flying forward, also knowing this would happen my dad braced himself again.

He then told me that neither pedal needed to be pushed to the floor. I made it around the parking lot a few times it was kind of jumpy but I'm sure most people's first time is.

From there I kept driving in parking lots until I got better. The next thing I knew I had gotten my driving license and I was legal to drive. My mom took me down to a mall on my birthday and as soon as we got out my mom tossed me the keys and said, "I've been driving for 40 years I'm tired of it”.

I looked at her like she was crazy I had never driven on a road around other traffic, this proved to be interesting. I drove down NPE highway towards home, crossing over lanes of traffic and such just trying to get there. After that first time on the road I got better and better as most people did.

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